CSU-SM kicks off Aloft in Sports Year 20

The Touchstone October 2022
The Cagayan State University – Sanchez Mira campus commenced its annual campus intramurals on November 8-11, 2022 with the theme “Celebrating Optimism and Fortitude in Facing the New Normal through Sports Culture and the Arts: Year 20”.
Athletes? Check. Coaches? Check. Jerseys? Check. Brains? Check. Talents? Check.
I guess we’re not ‘just’ ready… We’re psyched!
Here’s a walkthrough of the most anticipated event of the school year.
Day 1: Adding up some spice and setting an aura for this year’s intramurals, the athletes, the cheerers, together with the faculty and staff will have a parade to be followed by the opening program at the CSU-SM open grounds. The clash against the colleges will start here as they participate in the cheers and yells competition. Get your voices ready and your hopes up!
Day 2 & 3: Hey! hey! hey! Cheerers and athletes are the stars these days as the sports events are about to kick off. Get your tumblers filled up with water as much as you need! Remember, H2O is essential to energize your bodies most especially the athletes who tend to sweat a lot during their games — and the cheerers for their golden voices, I guess?
Day 4: It’s socio-day! The display of talents and wits will be held on the 4th day. Activities include music, dance, visual arts, literary arts, performing arts, and the search for Mr. & Ms. CSU-SM 2022. The Pageant will take place at the Sanchez Mira People’s Gymnasium at 5:00 in the afternoon.
This year’s intramurals is a bittersweet feeling to end. The gates of our campus have closed for two years making us not experience many intramurals. Now that finally we get to experience it, let us make the most out of it and enjoy every bit of the happenings it has to offer. Let’s go, falcons! Get those golds and reign this year’s intramurals!