In a groundbreaking development for academic and research collaboration, OIC Arthur Ibanez has sent a delegation of officials from the Cagayan State University to Taiwan to finalize partnerships with various universities in the country. The delegation, led by Vice President for Academic Affairs Mariden Cauilan, included Campus Executive Officers Froilan Pacris, Hitler Dangatan, Rodel Alegado and Policarpio Mabborang, as well as University Information Officer and Executive Assistant to the President Marie Cauilan.

During their visit, VP Mariden Cauilan represented OIC Ibanez in meetings with officials from Taiwan universities and CSU CEOs, while UIO Marie Cauilan introduced CSU to the universities by presenting the institutionโ€™s background, niches, programs, strengths and accolades. This face-to-face encounter with universities from the two countries garnered the trust of the Taiwan universities and paved the way for potential collaborations in the fields of Hospitality Management, Agriculture, Engineering and Business.

The outcome of this visit is expected to prioritize the outbound mobilization of at most 200 students from CSU to Taiwan for academic exchanges and research opportunities. The Taiwan universities have expressed their excitement over the collaboration, with officials stating their eagerness to personally meet OIC President Arthur Ibanez and potentially invite him to Taiwan in the coming months.

This partnership between CSU and Taiwan universities marks a significant step towards enhancing academic and research opportunities for students and faculty members. It is expected to open doors for knowledge exchange, research collaborations and cultural exchanges between the two countries, ultimately benefiting the academic community as a whole